
Hi! I'm Melissa, creator/designer behind Westland Jewelry. All my pieces are carefully sculpted in wax by hand in my Los Angeles home studio and then cast into bronze or sterling silver using the lost wax technique. I love the imperfections and variations that occur in my finished pieces giving them a truly unique and personal quality.

When I first discovered wax sculpting and carving as an art form, I felt like the stars had aligned; like I was in the right place at the right time. Working with wax felt so intuitive. Once I got the basics, the possibilities were endless. It took hours and hours of practice, with many trials and many failures, but each mistake teaches me a lesson. Practice and repetition brought me to proficiency, but I am still discovering and learning as I go.

I hope you enjoy my wearable works of art. Come see what's available in my shop!

xx Melissa

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